Sunday, 12 January 2025

when the canal freezes over gets very peaceful. Boats aren't moving, and the ducks congregate in swim-holes, keeping them open with their splashings around.

I had to defrost my bike before cycling down into Bath, so I decanted the hot ash from the stove into a bucket, then put it under an old overcoat on the handlebars. And the gears and brakes presently started working again.

I was getting a bit worried, because I was down to my last bag of coal and the last few logs for the stove. But Mal came visiting, and asked if there were any errands that needed running; because 'm temporrily car-less at the moment. "Can we go to the boatyard for some coal?" I asked.

We could.

...and, as there was some space in the car, we brought back some extra bags for the neighbours.