Sunday, 25 October 2020

annoying the Thornproofs

Routine goes out of the porthole when a tree comes down on the canal. On Saturday morning, a big ash fell across it. So we got on down there with the chainsaw. 

The feller in the boat nearest the tree was a bit rattled; when I remarked that at least it hadn't hit his boat he got rather narked and told me that he's been on the canal for twenty years. So we cut him up some nice big slices of trunk to cheer him up, and I didn't mention that worse things happen at sea.

Daisy brought down her boat and, because she's a dab hand at tree cutting, I handed the chainsaw over and focused on keeping the boat steady while she sectioned the trunk in the water, and Helen and the crew hauled them across to the towpath. We only very nearly capsized once.

And then we drank some beers and were scowled at by some Thornproof Walkers. But the K&A Canal Trust trip boat, Barbara McLellan, came by and the crew gave us a cheerful wave because we'd cleared the navigation for them. 

And got ourselves some really good firewood. 

Daisy towed away a section of trunk for George to make a drum out of, because you can't have too many drums.


  1. Thorn proofs are something of a thorn in our sides aren't they. When Phoebe was a young dog she caught and deaded a squirrel - and proudly carried it for the rest if the walk. Thornproofs were out in force that morning 🙄

    1. at least it gives them something to raise their blood pressure even further after their daily dose of Daily Mail :-)

  2. Community work..the best, with all sides winning - even the Thornproofs!

  3. well, it's keeping me warm right now anyway!
