Wednesday, 15 September 2010

a creme de menthe with the Pope

Upside Down In Cloud is happy to welcome Pope Benedict to the UK. Our very own official poet has composed a clerihew for the occasion, and it will be recited by a choir of schoolchildren while His Holiness sips a creme de menthe with the editor, in the wigwam.

Pope Joseph Ratzinger
Has a belfry with all sorts of bats in there
He doesn't mind priests who are paedo
But being female, trans or gay is a bit of a no no


  1. Papa Ratzi
    (he wasn't quite a nazi)
    Wears frocks and red shoes
    (I think he's one of thoose)

  2. I'm all clerihewed out after our exchanges on Twitter.

    A limerick?

    There was an old pope we'll call Joe
    Who's uptake is decidedly slow
    When we asked "In your priests
    are there paedophile beasts?"
    He answered "I really don't know"

  3. Your flock is ringing the bell,
    Pope Joe, I suppose you know well.
    Like perverted quislings,
    Your priests have been diddling,
    And now they're all going to hell! a perfect world, anyway!

    Melissa XX

  4. Love it, Dru.... :-)

    I shall not attempt to compete.


  5. @ Chrissie

    I wish I had seen your post, before I offered my lame attempt at poetry! I certainly would have followed your advice! Oh well......I guess we learn from our embarrassments!

    Melissa XX

  6. Nonsense, Melissa. Every word written is a blow against the Devil! .... as they used to say in the Dark Ages

    ...which reminds me of Tony Harrison saying "in ages, we of a darker still keep calling Dark"

    thanks for your contributions, everyone!

  7. May I?

    Some bloke with a stupid great hat
    Says that secular countries are sad
    I'd say he's got brass
    Since his priests like young ass
    And he tells us that condoms are bad!

    (sorry, a bit tired.. Tim Minchin does it muuuuch better ;)

  8. Dru, you have created a monster, Started working on a Clerihew, then a sonnet, but settled for a limerick (well I am in Ireland).

    To the raging infernos of hell,
    This Pope eventually fell,
    For God did not like,
    This son of the Reich,
    And his priests quite repelled Her as well.

    Yes I know...simple pleasures. I'd originally started "A hoary old vicar of Christ", but that would get me excommunicated (again)

  9. You may, Harry. thank you!

    It is quite addictive, isn't it, Claire? I think I'll experiment with triolets today.
